The Leadership Pathway Audit™

The Leadership Pathway Audit™ is a people and data based diagnostic report that will improve the performance of organisations and businesses.  Designed for team leaders and managers in the private sector, the public sector, charities or any comparable organisation, the Leadership Pathway Audit™ is a powerful analysis and training tool that delivers a comprehensive leadership profile.  

Our years of academic research, backed up by evidence and the experience of many leaders, has shown that the experiences, perception and behaviour of the leader and more importantly the team or employees, will define leadership and its effect. 

The Leadership Pathway Audit™ creates an accurate profile of leadership as it actually exists for a leader and their team rather than subjective views on what leadership “ought to be”.  It is based on a simple but effective on-line or workplace analysis that defines leadership against all the expertise, reward and transactional attributes that are the basis of every leader’s influence, reputation and leadership. 

Supported by 60 contributory attributes and with the sophistication to enable detail subtleties within each attribute, the Leadership Pathway Audit™ creates over 600 data points and a 28-page profile of a leader and the team.  There is no cumbersome process, the work is entirely confidential, does not “grade” anyone or any organisation and is the best way to understand precisely how leadership is perceived and works in any organisation.    

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The Leadership Pathway Audit™:

•      The missing bit of leadership work

•      The link between leadership, organisational performance, staff surveys, absence, stress and anxiety

•      Defines and describes the reality of leadership rather than leaders’ personalities

•      Does not look for good and bad but what actually exists

•      600 plus data points for each leader and big data across an organisation

•      Science, not a vague concept or management discussion

•      Defines what individual teams are really looking for in a leader

•      Defines specific future development needs for individuals or organisations rather than generic leadership training

•      Defines the real “R” in GROW

•      A product that can be continually referred to – the LPA report

•      Reality of perception that good leaders want to know

•      Non-intrusive and confidential

•      Measures change; pre & post training

•      Repeatable at any time to show the current culture and change

•      Supports diversity in leadership

•      Delivers data that can be utilised many times and in many different ways.

•      Works with bespoke protocols for each organisation

•      Defines and predicts the best training, coaching and courses for you or your team    

Our many years of R&D and effective software mean we need the minimum of you or your organisation’s time. The whole process, the Leadership Pathway Audit™ and the report is incredibly cost-effective.  

There is no requirement to attend generic courses or training or to provide time-consuming input; we have done all the preparatory work and development. The Leadership Pathway Audit™ is the way to understand precisely how a leader and team interact and are perceived to ensure that personal or leadership development work concentrates on the right areas for each and every individual; we don’t all need the same leadership development or training.  

Beyond the Leadership Pathway Audit™ as the best understanding and development tool for leaders and organisations, you can also use it to:  

·         Assess the capability of organisations to achieve strategic goals

·         Provide insight into an organisation’s strengths & weaknesses

·         Identify quick wins and implementation alternatives

·         Highlight structures, systems and processes that enable or prevent growth

·         Harness the collective wisdom of the leadership team

·         Provide rapid results utilising data and technology

·         Support businesses, consultancies, trainers & coaches

·         Provide comprehensive, objective feedback reports and recommendations